Westview Elementary, Madison's school, teamed up with the American Heart Assoc. for Jump Rope for Heart. Each student took donations and learned about the different heart diseases that many people have. Then on the last day of the month, went to the gym and actually jumped rope for 1 hour.
Madison's good friend, Lindsey Boehm, passed away in November of 2006 with heart disease. She was only 5 years old. We miss Lindsey very much and this was a wonderful way for Madison to remember her. She was so excited when she came home from school with the information. That afternoon, Madison told me that she wanted to jump rope in memory of her friend, Lindsey.
At the end of the month, Madison had recv'd $540 in donations to the AHA. We are sooo PROUD of her!!! We hope that her donations will help in the research to save someone else.
Here are a few pictures of Madison jumping in memory of her friend, Lindsey Grace Boehm.
The last picture in the slide show is one of Madison and Lindsey in April of 2006.